On Wed, Jan 21, 2004 at 01:19:49PM -0800, Enora Doku wrote:
> hello,
> I have a powerbook G4 17" and i tried to install
> debian. In the begening it gave some problems, like
> didn't recogenize hard disk.

This is more probably a kernel issue than a debian-installer one.

Please let's take this converstaion to the debian-powerpc mailing list
instead, where it belongs, especially as you are using woody
installation stuff.

> I use the woody kernel but it didn't worked. Then i
> use as a kernel of YellowDog than in this point the i
> start to install the debian.

Well, why didn't you try the 2.4.22 powerpc kernels which are in sarge ?
They should work fine, and if they do not, please fill a bug, and i will
try to fix them.

> So i installed debian.

Maybe you could give debian-installer beta2 a try ? 


Is a page with explanation on how to do that.

> But i have another problem, i cant start X and i can
> not install?

This is not ontopic in debian-boot, but there have been some information
about this on debian-powerpc, go look at the mailing lists archives of


Sven Luther

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