I need to compile a custom kernel foran oldworld pmac. I've looked at
every man page, mailing list and HOWTO I could find, but some things
remain a complete fog!
1) Do I need to patch the kernel-sources I get via dselect
(kernel-source-2.4.18-14.1)? I was under the impression that the
kernel-sources I get via dselect already provide for the ppc
architectures. However dselect offeres me a
kernel-patch-2.4.18-powerpc. Is the Patch only for kernels I get from
other sources?
2) If I do need to patch my source for ppc, how do I do it, and which
one should I use? It seems I have the option to get a kernel form
kernel.org and a Benh patch, or use the packages supplied via deselect.
The dselect patch leaves no instructions I could find, nor could I find
a HOWTO for the Benh patch. Is one of the two methods "better"?
3) I need to apply a second patch
(bridge-nf-0.0.7-against-2.4.18.diff). This worked fine the first time
it tried, but that was to the unpatched source I got via dselect. Is
there an specific order I need to patch in, e.g. ppc patch first bridge
patch second?
4) Anyone know a good HOWTO or other source, where I can read up on
doing all this stuff "the Debian way". I have the strong impression
that the Debian way is much better, but most information I read only
explains how to do it in other distributions. Doing the transition to
Debian is very difficult, if your just getting started...