On Wed, Dec 24, 2003 at 02:00:51PM +0100, Nicolas Bertolissio wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to install MOL with Mac OS X on my Titanium G4, the reason is
> my employer gave me a Palm Tungsten T3 but it's too new so I cannot
> synchronise it and I need Mac OS...
> I have no free partition to create a HFS+ volume, I removed all that was
> related to Mac OS when I got the PowerBook.
> I have an up to date Sarge with:
> kernel-image                2.4.22-1.1
> mol                         0.9.69+20031019-6
> mol-modules-2.4.22-powerpc  0.9.69+20031019-1
> mol-drivers-linux           0.9.69+20030408-1
> mol-drivers-macosx          0.9.69+20031019-1
> So I have created a 3GB file with (home/ has an ext3 filesystem):
>      dd if=/dev/zero of=/home/mol/macosx bs=3k count=1M
> This file is not mounted when I try to start MOL.
> I've added the following line after the CDROM blkdev: definition in
> /etc/mol/molrc.osx:
>      blkdev: /home/mol/macosx -rw -force
> and I've commented the whole 'ifempty' block after it.
> I run as root, with the install CD of Mac OS X 10.2 in the driver:
>      startmol --oxs --cdboot
> It starts well and I get the Mac OS X install utility, but the Disk
> Utility shows a disk with 0 byte capacity instead of the expected 3GB.
> I've got the following error on the console when MOL mounts the disks:
> ----- MOL console
>     <No SCSI Device>
>     CD   /dev/cdrom       CDROM          <read-only>   ------ BOOT1
> fstat: Value too large for defined data type
> fstat: Value too large for defiend data type
>     Disk /home/mol/maco..                <rw>  ------
> ----- MOL console
> How can I find which value is too large and what the maximum value is?

Hi Nicolas,

you need to create a filesystem on the file. Use 'hformat <file>' to do
this. The hformat binary is in the hfsutils-package.

> Nicolas Bertolissio


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