Hi, Yes, I suggest someone port the kde/konqueror way of interfacing to java for mozilla. I will most likely not be making any more Mozilla Plugin or Blackdown releases for PPC Linux JDK 1.3.1 We do have people who are working on JDK 1.4.1 and hotspot but I am not sure of any timeline.
Frankly Konqueror will nicely interface to the IBM JDK and seems to work well without the need for complicated plugins that seem to break periodically by the slightest change in toolchain and whatnot. So perhaps an alternative to the Mozilla plugin (that is closely tied to Sun) and that works with Kaffe, the GCJ, and IBM's jdk would be a worthwhile project. My 2 cents, Kevin On Friday 28 November 2003 11:46, Michael Flaig wrote: > On Thu, Nov 27, 2003 at 11:51:34PM -0500, Gregory Seidman wrote: > > IBM provides an RPM of their JRE/JDK for Linux on PPC. It can be alien'd > > and installed. I don't have a direct link for you, but google is your > > friend. > > AFAIK ibm does not provide an plugin for mozilla (and based) browsers > with their jdk distribution. > > cu, > > Michael