On Nov Fri 14 2003 21:16, Benjamin Herrenschmidt wrote: > > > In any case, what is extremely ridiculous is that for many "stupid" > > things like fans, thermal control or microphone/sound, they have *nix > > stuff programmed, BUT they still don't release it under the GPL, so you > > need a really good bunch of gurus to hack the stuff up. > > Actually, the complete source code of Apple sound drivers is > open sourced in Darwin. > > Our driver is a mess, mostly because of the bazillions different setups > of the sound chips on apple motherboards that we try to all driver from > a single driver, and because of history too :) > > Several people proposed to take over the driver in the past couple of > years, but so far, all of them sort of vanished after hacking a bit on > it, I suppose hacking this driver is a good way to get quickly sick of > programming :) > > Currently, dmasound is maintained "by default" by Christoph Hellwig. I > suspect he doesn't have much time to dedicate to it though. > > I personally don't have the time & dedication necessary to do the > necessary complete rewrite of it. Alsa could be a good alternative, > though it seems to still have a fair amount of problems on some > machine models.
Thanks for the info, Benjamin. I will take that dmasound sickness into account to get away of exams, appointments, etc 8-) "Naaah, really, I just hacked the dmasound driver for the powerbooks, and I am feeling a bit weird..." :))) -- J. Javier Maestro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://rigel.homelinux.com