> In any case, what is extremely ridiculous is that for many "stupid" > things like fans, thermal control or microphone/sound, they have *nix > stuff programmed, BUT they still don't release it under the GPL, so you > need a really good bunch of gurus to hack the stuff up.
Actually, the complete source code of Apple sound drivers is open sourced in Darwin. Our driver is a mess, mostly because of the bazillions different setups of the sound chips on apple motherboards that we try to all driver from a single driver, and because of history too :) Several people proposed to take over the driver in the past couple of years, but so far, all of them sort of vanished after hacking a bit on it, I suppose hacking this driver is a good way to get quickly sick of programming :) Currently, dmasound is maintained "by default" by Christoph Hellwig. I suspect he doesn't have much time to dedicate to it though. I personally don't have the time & dedication necessary to do the necessary complete rewrite of it. Alsa could be a good alternative, though it seems to still have a fair amount of problems on some machine models. > (sound in a laptop cannot be "really" good anyway, so I added it to the > "silly things" list, specially the microphone thing, because it is > really annoying for me to have ALSA and not be able to use it...) > > > I understand that they want secrecy or whatever they want with their > business model regarding Quartz and their freaking cool "visual" stuff > ("their X-windows", etc). But c'mon... we bought a $3000 laptop already! > We are running whatever we want in it, plus most of the time, MacOSX, > they already made _a lot_ of money from us! And they still make us run > "crippled hardware" because although the work of those gurus is amazing, > it is _obviously_ hard to match that of the engineers who designed the > piece of hardware milimeter by milimeter... > > > > I hope you find this information useful. If you require any additional > > > info > > > rmation, please do not hesitate to contact us. > > > > > > Best Regards, > > > > > > Damian Harney > > > Apple Developer Connection > > > Worldwide Developer Relations > > > > If anyone needs help with writing a device driver for anything Apple > > related, it seems like they would help out where they could. > > > > At least, thats the impression that I get. If I was better at writting > > low-level stuff I would attempt this. Can anyone suggest any docs? > > Regarding the G4 Powerbook laptops, I found quite nice the stuff in > here: > > http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Hardware/Developer_Notes/Macintosh_CPUs-G4/PowerBook_G4/index.html > > and in pdf, > > http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Hardware/Developer_Notes/Macintosh_CPUs-G4/PowerBook_G4/PowerBookG4.pdf > > But, again, they are not (OBVIOUSLY) a detailed reference guide on the > electronics of the G4. I mean, I just took a course on microprocessors > and embedded systems, and the lab work was on a nifty ARM board > co-designed by the University of Manchester and the University of New > South Wales; well, not only _all_ of the ARM cross-compiling software, > EMULATION of the board, etc, was GPL software (ARM GNU tools and komodo > program for running the programs on the board plus emulating the board > too) but they gave us a CD with _ALL_ the low level docs of the board, > down to the microprocessor level (ARM7TDMI), I/O, IRQs, etc. Apple > cannot provide aaaaall that much detail, since I guess they want to > remain unique in their hardware design, but they could publish, at > least, either the source for the "silly parts" or more details on how to > write it. > > > Best Regards, > > > > - Mick > > Cheers > > -- > J. Javier Maestro > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > http://rigel.homelinux.com -- Benjamin Herrenschmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>