On Nov Mon 10 2003 20:05, Michael Schmitz wrote:
> > > setting during sleep. But so far, we just lack informations about
> > > how those things work on most models. The albooks seem to use known
> > > industry thermostat though, it may be possible to write drivers for
> > > them, though I don't have time to dive into that now. Every single
> > > motherboard model made by apple need a specific driver for that it
> > > seems :(
> >
> > Mmmmm.... that is a pity :(  At least, I know that you know about it :)
> > Meaning that, perhaps, some day, Apple will consider the "old"
> > Powerbooks "obsolete", and thus the software/firmware that they use in
> > them "legacy", and maaaaaybe, they would release it under
> > GPL/BSD/whatever.
> ROTFL. You mean, like they did when the old 68k based Macs were getting
> obsolete? Wait, they didn't ...

Yeaaah, true :-/  But hey... things are changing now, and the industry
was very different back then. Perhaps they realise that the benefit is
larger when many people eat the same cake, because they all like it and
they all cooke more.


J. Javier Maestro

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