> > setting during sleep. But so far, we just lack informations about > > how those things work on most models. The albooks seem to use known > > industry thermostat though, it may be possible to write drivers for > > them, though I don't have time to dive into that now. Every single > > motherboard model made by apple need a specific driver for that it > > seems :( > > Mmmmm.... that is a pity :( At least, I know that you know about it :) > Meaning that, perhaps, some day, Apple will consider the "old" > Powerbooks "obsolete", and thus the software/firmware that they use in > them "legacy", and maaaaaybe, they would release it under > GPL/BSD/whatever.
ROTFL. You mean, like they did when the old 68k based Macs were getting obsolete? Wait, they didn't ... Michael