Hi debian-powerpc and debian-s390, Over on the debian-lsb mailing list we're working on LSB runtime compliance for Debian. LSB 1.3 is supported on i386, ia64, powerpc, and s390 upstream and we'd like to be able to support those archs as well. We have people running the test suites on i386 and ia64. On powerpc and s390 we need people to
* Run test suites and send status reports and test suite results (or a url for the results) to debian-lsb. * file bugs when tests fail and report them on debian-lsb. * fix bugs * backport fixes to old releases and make patched packages available Current status, instructions on how to help, and other resources at, http://people.debian.org/~taggart/lsb/ Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, -- Matt Taggart [EMAIL PROTECTED]