Title: Mensaje
Hi to everybody!
I am trying to install woody in a Powermac G4. I have some problems:
when I boot with the CD, I have four install options:
install ->installs 2.2 kernel
install-safe ->installs 2.2 kernel with a safe boot
install24 ->installs 2.4 kernel
install24-safe ->installs 2.4 kernel with a safe boot
if I choose 'install' or 'install24', all I get is a black screen. With 'install-safe' or 'install24-safe', the installation process starts correctly. I do not know why...
Ok, I have choose 'install24-safe' and complete the installation process, including a correct partition and configuration procedure, etc.etc. All is okay.
But when rebooting, all it does is a perfect black screen. And silence...
I made the installation six or seven times, and now I am tired... no hope?
Please, hope.

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