This is my first post on this list because I've never
used a Mac before until yesterday when a buddy of mine
gave me one of his old Mac's...so I decided to put
Linux on it.  I've been using Sun's for about 10 years
and Linux on PC's for a few years now, so I thought
putting debian on a beige G3 someone gave me would be
pretty straight foreward.  Well, I goofed (doh!). 
Here's my problem:

I am trying to install debian woody through http as
the only operating system on a beige Mac G3 desktop
that I need to write some apps for.  I made the HFS
boot floppy and the root floppy on my Linux box and
then booted with the HFS boot floopy in the Mac box. 
Everything went painless, however when I got to the
"create your partitions", I unwittingly reinitialized
the partition table thinking I was initializing my
newly created partitions.  At the time, I didn't think
much of it, created a /boot, / and swap partitions
again and the rest of the installation continued
smoothly.  When the installation asked me to reboot
the machine however, as soon as the machine reboot I
got this error on the screen: "can't OPEN: 


I think I am getting this error because when the
partition map was reinitialized, it erased two
partitions that said something like "ATA_100" or
something.  I tried placing my HFS boot floppy in
again, but I get the same error (is there something
special I have to do to get it to boot from the floppy
again?).  Do I have to recreate the ATA_100
partition(s)?    I appreciate all your help, working
on this Mac has been a humbling, bumbling experience
for sure.


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