On 18 Sep, this message from Chris Tillman echoed through cyberspace: >> What version of quik are you using, and did you search the list >> archives? Some 6 months ago there was a discussion which led to the >> conclusion that quik was buggy for G3 systems. I don't know whether a >> fixed version of quik is available, though... Anybody knows? > > The fixed version of quik is mentioned in the install doc, the link is > > http://www.cpu.lu/~mlan/ftp/quik-first.b-g3
LOL... I know that site, it's mine :-) > I have pointed a couple of people here, but have not heard the results. Yeah, well, the question was rather whether any .deb includes a fixed quik. I checked; the woody version does _not_ work on G3's, but the testing/unstable version does. What kind of bug do I need to file against quik to get the updated version into woody/proposed-updates? Cheers Michel ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michel Lanners | " Read Philosophy. Study Art. 23, Rue Paul Henkes | Ask Questions. Make Mistakes. L-1710 Luxembourg | email [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.cpu.lu/~mlan | Learn Always. "