On  16 Sep, this message from Adrian Crisan echoed through cyberspace:
> Hi everybody, i'm trying for a while to manage debian on my beige G3/266 
> mhz/2gig scsi/4gig ide/416 mb. I want just debian on this machine, my 
> simple q. is : anybody manage to have debian only on such machine. i
> have tried most of the tricks from the web site and no succes (quik,
> OF settings, etc. and i'm still lost). i'm asking for few advices
> from somebody who had this stuff working. thanks, adrian

I have it running on a G3/300, booting with quik from an Apple UW SCSI
card. But I do seem to be the only one....

What version of quik are you using, and did you search the list
archives? Some 6 months ago there was a discussion which led to the
conclusion that quik was buggy for G3 systems. I don't know whether a
fixed version of quik is available, though... Anybody knows?



Michel Lanners                 |  " Read Philosophy.  Study Art.
23, Rue Paul Henkes            |    Ask Questions.  Make Mistakes.
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