On Mon, 22 Sep 2003, Martin-Éric Racine wrote:

> I've tried building myself a kernel with both the Debian 
> kernel-source-2.4.22-1
> and the vanilla tarball, in both cases patched with 2.4.22-ben2, with both GCC
> 2.95.4 and GCC 3.3.2, which fails in all cases, ending with something like 
> this:

(which turned out to be a binutils problem - thanks to everyone who pointed me
to Bug#212089; I fixed it fixed by downgrading binutils to Testing).

Low and behold, kernel-source-2.4.22 patched with ben2 using rsync gave me a
kernel that actually works on every count, including audio (some of you might
recall the problems I had trying to get dma_sound to produce sound, even though
it compiled, on all of my previous attempts).  ;-)

For the record, what I used (in case anyone wants to reproduce my efforts):
gcc                       3.3-1            
kernel-source-2.4.22      2.4.22-1                 

Commands I used to patch and build were (as poweruser - see 'man sudo'):

        tar jxf kernel-source-2.4.22.tar.bz2
        rsync -avz --delete rsync.penguinppc.org::linux-2.4-benh 
        cd kernel-source-2.4.22
        make-kpkg --config menuconfig --subarch pmac --revision omena.3 

NOTE:  One buglet remains: during bootup, several daemons try to load
char-major-6 (lp.o) which, for ovious reasons, is absent from this iMac.

PS:  I definitely still have WAY too much useless crap in my .config and could
probably try configuring an even more leightweight kernel tailored especially
for my iMac CRT but, as I'm not sure what to remove and what to leave in, I'll
just follow the old saying and not try to fix it if it ain't broken. *grin*

Martin-Éric Racine

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