On Sun, Sep 21, 2003 at 11:16:04PM +0200, Paul van Tilburg wrote:
> Hi!
> Two short questions of a TiBook 15" user, hope anyone can help.
[question I can't help with snipped]
> * I've configured pmud not to take action on lid close, since that's what
>   I'm used to (close lid to save screen and prevent peeking, walk away,
>   come back after 20mins). But it seems then when AC is offline, my
>   TiBook turns itself off 5mins after the lid closed! My OS, the fs and I
>   obviously don't like that... But can't find how to turn that off, is it
>   possible anyway?

Are you also using pbbuttonsd? By default, it replaces pmud in handling
power (I thought this was rather high-handed when I found out; why else
would I be running pmud?!!). Check /etc/pbbuttonsd.conf (IIRC), and look
for a something pmud option. (Don't have my laptop handy so I can't

|David M. Cooke                      http://arbutus.physics.mcmaster.ca/dmc/

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