On Fri, 2003-09-19 at 01:37, Michel Dänzer wrote:
> Thanks.

My Pleasure.

> Do you have drivers/video/aty/radeon*.c files in your linuxppc-2.5-benh
> tree? They seem to be missing from the patch, so CONFIG_FB_RADEON
> doesn't build, and CONFIG_FB_RADEON_OLD doesn't work on my TiBook (the
> latter used to be the case with CONFIG_FB_RADEON in linuxppc-2.5 as well
> until recently).

No. It's not in the patch, it's not in my extracted tree (ie, extracted
from bitkeeper proper), and it's not in the bitkeeper tree either. But,
there is a radeonfb.c in drivers/video. Maybe that's in the wrong place.
Weird stuff.


Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 (Sid) (ibook2,powerpc), kernel 2.4.21-ben2-xfs

Grub first, then ideals.
        -- Bertolt Brecht

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