Hi all,

I've made kernel-2.6.0-test5-benh available for download. There's a
patch and a source deb. The sources have Ben's ide-pmac patch applied.
I've made it avail on the website if you want to test after reversing
the changes. You can get all this at:


Thank Gary Sandine everyone for giving this space... otherwise everyone
would have to BitKeep it.

I'll be doing BitKeep updates about once a week, so I'll keep updating
the kernel about every week.

Have fun testing...


Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 (Sid) (ibook2,powerpc), kernel 2.4.21-ben2-xfs

Grub first, then ideals.
        -- Bertolt Brecht

ICQ: 7181075

pub  1024D/CC1F67BC 2002-06-03 Menaka Lashitha Bandara (Freedom!)
     Key fingerprint = 1874 5597 C754 5209 0A7D  4DA6 9112 5D0E CC1F

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: This is a digitally signed message part

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