>> Thanks for the tips, Frank. Works your way (and I'm much happier with
>> that!)
> Good. Glad to hear it.
Of course, now that I've tried to upgrade to 2.6.0-test5, alsa fails. All
the modules are loaded, but theres a boot message saying

tumbler: cannot initialize the MCS

and I'm back in the position where sound is playing (according to xmms'
scopes) but nothing can be heard.

What's going on here?

I built alsa from the debian packages for 2.4.22 originally, but am
building from the kernel source for 2.6.0-test5-benh now. It's the same
codebase, isn't it?

More to the point, am I right to whinge here, or should I be busily filing
bugs to the kernel?


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