Thanks for the tips, Frank. Works your way (and I'm much happier with that!)

> Actually, this last paragraph really did. I was having the same problem
> here
> (with the speed). By increasing the period, the speed went (close) to
> normal.
> But I get the same "clicks" that you do (with waves, too). Running with
> the
> OSS emulation, it sounds fine.

Yes. I discovered that after posting my fix. As far as mp3-playing is
concerned, I don't much care what driver is used, but as I do audio
editing and so on on this machine, I have wanted alsa running for lower

> So, I tried to increase the period. At 100ms, the sound is perfect. The
> size
> of the buffer doesn't really matter (though I can't keep it configured
> below
> 200ms -- it keeps getting reset to 200). What really odd is that at 80 and
> 90ms, the audio will skip. It gets hung up at one place and repeats a very
> short section.

I found that it skips above 100ms, too.. Hm. That's probably an xmms-alsa

> I wonder if this is the ALSA drivers or XMMS. For mp3 playing, I've only
> tried
> it with xmms.
> What's your sound chip, BTW? I have an original iBook using the powermac
> driver.

It's an iBook late 2001 (keywest/tumbler)


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