Le Sat, Aug 23, 2003 at 20:20:21 +0200, Frank Murphy a écrit:
> On Saturday 23 August 2003 7:56, Simon Vallet wrote:
> > Michel Dänzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > But you're saying that the Insert key is also Help? Does that mean that
> > > both are engraved on it, or what is?
> >
> > Yes : it says "inser" and "aide" (french keyboard). "inser" is smaller and
> > at the top of the key ; the larger "aide" is at the bottom.
> Hmmm... In the UK and Switzerland, it doesn't say Insert at all...

on mine it has a picture, a serif lowercase i, inside of rounded off
rectangle. (looks vaguely like the front of a tv's picture tube)

i was starting work on this too, but starting from scratch - getting
what <XXX> symbols were, then figuring them out on my keyboard, then
working up from that, extending the layouts to internationalise the
layouts, and variations. seems Frank is way ahead of me with this ;).


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