On Sat, 2003-08-23 at 19:56, Simon Vallet wrote:
> On 23 Aug 2003 19:27:53 +0200
> Michel Dänzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Just another thought : why bother with the Mode_Switch / Multi-Key ; 
> > > you could get a perfectly working keyboard with the ISO_Level3_Shift 
> > 
> > First time I hear of this. :) Looks to be similar to Mode_switch, how do
> > they differ?
> Mode_switch switches modes (as the name tells) : to get the "extended" symbol 
> you have to look in the second "group", i.e. (this time the good one ;-) :
> key <TLDE> { [at, numbersign], [asciitilde]}
> With ISO_Level3, you only change the shift level, leaving the second group 
> (mode) available (for other languages/keymaps) :
> key <TLDE> { [at, numbersign, asciitilde]}
> you could have something like this, which shows the mapping of TLDE for (at 
> least my) french and german keyboards :
> key <TLDE> { [at, numbersign, asciitilde], [dead_circumflex, degree,  
> <something>]}
> Mode_switch would then switch (or toggle ?) between a french and a german 
> keyboard. The third shift level (asciitilde) would be activated by another 
> key (AltGr).

Ugh, this gets messier the deeper you dig. My motivation is on a sharp
decline again. You seem to have a good understanding though, care to fix
it once and for all? :)

PS: Please consider wrapping long lines.

Earthling Michel Dänzer   \  Debian (powerpc), XFree86 and DRI developer
Software libre enthusiast  \     http://svcs.affero.net/rm.php?r=daenzer

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