On Thu, 21 Aug 2003 20:19:23 +0200 (CEST)
Wolfgang Pfeiffer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Does anybody out there know, whether there is a single human being
> among the Debian folks who is aware of the fact that a font system
> like the one on Debian is not only a bad joke but, if I see this
> correctly, simply gaga? That this font system is definitely unusable?
> And I'd bet it's not only unusable for non-X-coders but even for the
> X-developers themselves.

Yes, it's terrible.  I hope that Xouvert dumps everything but truetype
and atm support and moves towards the fontconfig approach.

> My guess is this mess is a Debian-specific one, i.e. one that was
> caused by the way the Debian folks organize the fonts on Debian, and
> not one which is caused by the X-developers. Am I right?

Nope.  I've found the same mess on several different distros.  It's an X
issue AFAICT.

> Situations like that is why I say that Debian-Linux does not work for
> people with a girl-friend or a family, or for folks who need to get a
> job done on a computer in a reasonable amount of time. Or for folks
> who simply like watching shadows on the wall (John Lennon :) or the
> stars above them.

Hang on a minute.  Everyone I know who uses Debian is either married or
at least has a girlfriend.  My fiancee is an avid user of Debian yet she
uses XP at work, she _chooses_ to use Debian.  She is not a sysadmin,
she just wants thing to work.  And they do (well, the starburst logo
script-fu crashes the gimp on ppc, but ari pollak has that under control

> I'd guess it's a system for folks not knowing what to do with their
> lives if they had a working OS on their computer.

If anything, it's a system for people who want to do something different
with their computer.  I think if anything, we need to either bring
testing up to date, or maintain a 'desktop' version with the most
current stable desktops.

> I'm talking of Debian-Linux because even on a 2 or 3 year old
> i386 RedHat 6.2 the font situation, IIRC, by far was not that ugly as
> it is here on Debian.

Rubbish, I remember trying to get truetype fonts working on a 6.2.

Take another look at fontconfig.  installing fonts means either putting
them in /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ if you want to share them across all
users, or ~/.fonts if you alone want to use them.  Then run fc-cache. 
The rest is cruft and I imagine it will be removed soon.


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