> BTW, maybe related, maybe not: every now and then (about the same 
> frequency as the poweroffs, maybe less) the display does not switch 
> on the backlight on wakeup. Putting the powerbook to sleep (closing 
> lid) and wakening it up again "solves" it. This happened with and 
> without your patch.
> Tell me if you want me to try other patches.

Do the problem also happen if you don't have the CD-ROM in the
media bay ?

> BTW I would really like to be able to use the fn key setting ability 
> as present in pbbuttonsd/powerprefs from scripts. It's tiresome to 
> always have to start pbbuttonsd (and shut it down again afterwards 
> because it somehow interferes with pmud) and powerprefs and click 
> around just to toggle the fn key setting after a wakeup poweroff has 
> happened. The fnset utility does not work for me. Do I have to find 
> out which parts to extract from pbbuttonsd myself, or does anyone 
> have better solution?

I don't know how that works on the Lombard unfortunately


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