I tried to follow the instructions on the Debian Java FAQ, to use latest unstable Galeon with Blackdown by creating the link:
/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 35 Jun 7 03:48 libjavaplugin_oji.so -> /etc/alternatives/javaplugin_oji.so /etc/alternatives: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 58 Jul 6 13:23 javaplugin_oji.so -> /usr/lib/j2se/1.3/jre/plugin/ppc/mozilla/javaplugin_oji.so When launching Galeon I get: ~ $ galeon news.bbc.co.uk./ trying to load bookmarks from /home/leandro/.galeon/bookmarks.xbel Detected version of bookmarks file: galeon2 LoadPlugin: failed to initialize shared library /usr/lib/j2se/1.3/jre/plugin/ppc/mozilla/javaplugin_oji.so [/usr/lib/j2se/1.3/jre/plugin/ppc/mozilla/javaplugin_oji.so: undefined symbol: __vt_17nsGetServiceByCID] LoadPlugin: failed to initialize shared library /usr/lib/j2se/1.3/jre/plugin/ppc/mozilla/javaplugin_oji.so [/usr/lib/j2se/1.3/jre/plugin/ppc/mozilla/javaplugin_oji.so: undefined symbol: __vt_17nsGetServiceByCID] Searching in the list I understand j2re1.4 won't be packaged for the PowerPC any soon, and that the current j2re1.3 situation is hopeless due to C++ issues -- how braindeaded was AT&T when it could have used Objective C or better yet functional programming!! So any ideas? Any solution in view? -- _ Leandro Guimarães Faria Corsetti Dutra +41 (21) 648 11 34 / \ http://br.geocities.com./lgcdutra/ +41 (78) 778 11 34 \ / Answer to the list, not to me directly! +55 (11) 5686 2219 / \ Rate this if helpful: http://svcs.affero.net/rm.php?r=leandro