On Tue, 8 Jul 2003, Chris Tillman wrote: > On Mon, Jul 07, 2003 at 09:31:25PM +0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > > I have a 7300/180 which has errors on /dev/sda. I've tried reinstalling, > > using a destructive badblocks test to no avail. > > > > Having a 7200/120 that's dead for other reasons I thought a fine idea to > > move its disk to the first. > > > > I exchanged the two assemblies that have disk, CD and floppy. > > > > Oh wretched computer!! > > > > I swear it wouldn't boot, wouldn't talk to the screen.... > > > > I took it apart for a few days to do some work on another, the > > reattached kbd, mouse and monitor. It didn't boot the HDD, but it does > > boot floppy. > > > > This disk contains my last copy of macos. I've been deleting all the HFS > > partitions - /dev/sda5 and up except for one - and installing Woody into > > /dev/sda5 (except for that one where it went into /dev/sda6). > > > > Are there any tricks I should have observed in moving the hard drive? > > The hard drive itself should have moved without a problem. I don't know > about moving the whole assembly; maybe there is some driver electronics > involved?
The two assemblies are compatible, maybe identical. The drive is recognised okay, and I can fdisk it. > > If you can see the hard disk in the installer, though, it should be OK. > > > Is there any reason I should have preserved mac os on these systems? > > Well, I would, if it's your last copy. But I'm not you :) It's true In that case, it can go. I'll get another at another auction if needs be. > that BootX running from MacOS is a more flexible system than quik, > but many don't want MacOS around for philosophical reasons. I don't have any religious objection to MacOS, it's just that AFAIK I don't need it. I do want the disk space for Linux though, and for sure I had to do something. > > The difficulty with the 7200, and maybe the 7300, is that OpenFirmware > doesn't drive the screen, so if you want to muck around in there, > you have to hook up a tty to the modem port. Thereis lies a whole nother bunch of fun. I have a Mac modem cable, came with a box of junk, and I have a PC null-modem cable. The two connect, and with Linux running at both ends I can type back and forth at myself until I become bored with it. However, O-F talks the the peecee, but doesn't listen. Quik also talks to the peecee and doesn't listen. Since I wrote previously, I've booted the Woody bootfloppies and had a fiddle with nvsetenv, and I set the system to boot from the internal disk. Nothing happened that I could see, but I happened to be wired up with minicom listening at the peecee and here's what it said: RESETing to change Configuration! no bootable HFS partition > > > Can I make a bootable CD for them without preserving macos? > > Bootable CDs are not possible using only free software. We don't have > bootable CDs in the distribution for OldWorlds. OTOH, a CD with the > MacOS boot drivers is bootable no matter what remains on the hard > disk. (But, if there are no HFS partitions, it wouldn't be able to do > much anyway.) So long as it's legal, I don't care how I create bootable CDs. Is there something I should read? As things stand right now, I have to do it from Linux, and if it's possible on my Athlon so much the better: that's by far my fastest computer and has a decent amount of disk space. I could only make small CD images on the Macs, or make them slowly over NFS. > > > What partitions _should_ I keep? > > All depends on what you need, if you're running out of room, if > you want to use BootX. You need MacOS for BootX. > > > Does it matter that I've got Apple partitions from a different computer? > > It shouldn't. The driver partitions are needed for a MacOS > installation, and not needed if you get rid of it. But they're small, > I wouldn't bother with them unless you just want to start clean. How do I tell whether a disk has firmware I should keep? > > > How do I initialise a new hard disk for these machines? Without Macos? > > You can use mac-fdisk in the installer to initialize a new partition > map, with the i command. That will wipe everything out. I sort of figured that might be so, but see my previous response. Thanks for your time. > > -- Cheers John Summerfield Please, no off-list mail at all at all. This address accepts mail only from Debian addresses.