On Tue, 2003-06-24 at 21:34, Brendan J Simon wrote:

>     3) Exabyte Ecrix 33/66 Internal Tape Drive.

I have 3 of these myself and a number in the field with clients in daily

> Are these supported by linux?


> Is anyone using them and how do they rate?

We're very happy with them.  I feel they're the best deal for the money.

> Any other recommendations for tape drives to be used with Debian 
> GNU/Linux???

I've used DAT/DDS with Linux and Solaris.  I prefer the VXA Ecrix
units.  I found DDS to be unreliable but have had few problems with VXA.

> This is for a small company and the quality of the backups is extremely 
> important, so I'm not after cheap and nasty.

All of our VXA drives are installed at small companies, most running

Not only do they reliably backup daily but we have never had a failed

     Innovation Software Group, LLC - http://www.innovationsw.com/
                Business Automation Specialists
                 UNIX, Linux and Java Training

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