Hi! First let me say a big thanks to those of you who helped me with my initial questions about getting X running on my PowerBook and my keyboard mapping problems!
I am however not much further down the line so I'll describe what I can get to work first, then explain what happened after each attempt at getting futher. I installed woody from the first CD, which I downloaded using jigdo on my PC in Jan. I can get a working system with an albeit rather minumal German keyboard support. Tilde, square brackets pipe and ampersand are VERY difficult to find, but I can cope for now. I tried updating the kernel using rsync to get the enh-kernel tree. I managed to complile a stock kernel withoutchanging any settings in menuconfig, but this results in completely useless keyboard after rebooting. I tried using the us keyboard as default on a woody install because I read somewhere that non US keyboards caused problems, but got the same result when I compiled the kernel. So my first question is, how can I upgrade to the latest kernel and have my german keyboard work? AFTER giving up on the kernel for the time being, I decided to try and get the XFree86 installed to work with the standard woody kernel. After a lot of fiddling looking for the tilde symbol, I mamnaged to add the link to Daenzer's X installation in my apt sources.list and installed them without a problem, however after doing a startx, all I got was a black screen with a blurred white horizonal line about an inch from the bottom of my screen! This persisted after re-booting. I used 40-40 as horizontal snc and 40-120 as vertical, which I believe are the correct settings for my 15" 1280x854 screen, but I may hae that wron I suppose! Apart from that I didn't change any settings from the default. So... my second question si how I get X running :-) I am unfortunately not an expert, and although I have a passing understanding of how to adjust the XF86Config-4 file, I really don't feel confident in this area, so please bear that in mind when giving any information on this! Sorry if I am asking too many "newbie" questions, however, once I finally get it all to work, I'll write a short FAQ on how to get the 15" 1Ghz PowerBook to owrkmwith Debian. At least there are only a few different Apple variations out there. Its much more of of as "plug and pray" situation with a PC!! although oddly enough I have never had so many problems installing Debian on a PC!! Thanks for reading this "tome", any help gratefully received!! Frank