It is a VERY bad idea to do fsck -y on a partition which is currently mounted rw. You should ether unmount or mount a drive ro to do fsck.
mount -n -o ro,remount / fsck -y /dev/whatever This way the drive is in a consistent state while it is being modified by fsck. If you aren't going to reboot right away, you could then remount it rw with the command given in the previous email. Brad Boyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Wed, Apr 23, 2003 at 05:19:01PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > You need to enter root to get to single mode. > > Then remount the drive rw. > > mount -o rw,remount / # initscripts tell you exactly what > > fsck -y /dev/whatever > > sync > > umount / (depending on partition) > > shutdown -r now