(BI am not an expert, but I'll will tell you what I know.
(BThe dropping into single user mode is the default behavior of shutdown (if
(Byou just type shutdown at the command line).
(Bit's sounds like it's not reading the -r argument.
(Bdid you try typing shutdown -h now also? does it have the same behavior?
(Bare you tying halt or halt -f (just want to find out if the system is doing
(Bhard reset after encountering problems w/ shutdown or you
(Bare doing it that way on purpose)
(Btry typing 'runlevel' and see what it says. it should show you 2 things -
(Byour previous and current runlevels.
(BHave you tried shutting down w/ init? as in /sbin/init [0|6]
(B0 shuts the system down
(B6 reboots.
(B> -----Original Message-----
(B> From: Dylan Beaudette [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
(B> Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2003 1:31 PM
(B> To: debian-powerpc@lists.debian.org
(B> Subject: `shutdown -r now` problems
(B> Hi-
(B> after a recent power outage my 8500 will has been acting a
(B> little strange.
(B> normally a `shutdown -r now` command would bring down all services,
(B> unmount the FS, and reboot the machine.
(B> however, it now prompts me with "Give root password for
(B> maintenance (or
(B> type control-D for normal startup)"
(B> typing 'control-D' does nothing, giving the root password
(B> dumps me into
(B> (what appears to be) single user mode. from there i am able
(B> to issue the
(B> 'halt' command, and then perform a hard reset.
(B> here is where the biggest problem -- when i boot the machine
(B> back up it
(B> tells me that the FS was not cleanly unmounted and performs a check.
(B> is there anything i can do to get my machine to perform a `shutdown -r
(B> now` command correctly?
(B> thanks in advance,
(B> dylan
(B> --
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