On Mon, 2003-04-07 at 17:55, Gary Sandine wrote:
> On Mon, 2003-04-07 at 09:17, florian wrote:
> > why did you use the mac os x disk utility though? i mean, basically
> > you should be able to just choose a partition from within the normal
> > os x installer.. no?
> I did try making an HFS partition at the back of the drive (along with
> the necessary bootstrap partition at the front), and OS X installer did
> not find any partitions in which it could install itself.  So, I then
> tried leaving the space at the back of the drive unpartitioned,
> intending to use the OS X disk utility (in the installer) to make an
> HFS+ data partition.  It did that, but it killed the Linux partitions in
> the front of the drive, too.

arg! okay. you should have not done that. as far as i know the
disk utility always claims the whole disk for itself. 

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