Hi Gary
I am no expert but I'm sure I've read here and elsewhere that the MacOS
Apple boot block needs to be the first partition on the disk.
Certainly when I installed Debian on my G4 I installed MacOSX first.
On Monday, April 7, 2003, at 04:50 am, Gary Sandine wrote:
On Sun, 2003-04-06 at 15:16, florian wrote:
nobody got an idea if that would work? one the one side it
sounds possible to me, but i would like to avoid that i
lose all my data..
Every time I have tried to install OS X in a system already running
Linux, OS X's installation disk utility plowed the whole drive, forcing
a Linux reinstall. This happened once, too, when installing from
mol, which was interesting ;). It could just be that I don't know how
to make the OS X disk utility do what I want it to do ('cuz evidently,
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