On 18/3/03 11:48 pm, "Jeffrey Matt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Depending on the model iMac: > > Tray Loading - there's a hole on the right hand side of the CD tray > face. Stick a paperclip in their and it'll pop open. > > Slot-Loading - Same trick, but stick the paperclip in on the far right > hand side of the slot itself. It's not far in. maybe a centimeter. If > goes in farther, you missed it. > Thanks for the advice. Mine is slot-loading. It took me a couple of days to locate the hole (at first I was not even sure if I should straighten the paperclip or insert it whole but then I vaguely remembered having read in MacUser sometime ago that it should be straightened out) and another couple of hours changing CDs to get the hang. > With these tricks, you can load up all seven (!) CD's during > installation. > > FYI - After many tries and retries, I ended up only installing using > the first CD, wrestling my way online ... Yes, I managed to scan all seven CD's (though apt config read files from only 5 of them) - thanks again - but it was only after reading them all that the installation was complete and the "eject" command started working as in my old powermac clone so that I need no longer use a straightened paperclip to change CDs! On 19/3/03 1:57 am, "Chris Tillman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > That's good info, I didn't know that about the slot-loading Macs. > And you're right, only CD1 is needed until you get rebooted. The > lack of the eject command has already been addressed in the new > (sarge) installer. > > I've just begun developing a help app targeted to complete linux > newbies, but with a Debian slant. Would either of you like to try out > the very preliminary version and give me some feedback? (If so, > contact me off-list at [EMAIL PROTECTED]). Thanks for the offer. I was busy following Jeff's advice, but now that at last I succeeded with the paperclip and got a modicum of (what looks like) Debian in my iMac I'll certainly give it a try and let you know. On 19/3/03 12:27 pm, "stamp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >> 1. How do I change CDs in an iMac? > > is "eject" working at this point? > then you could open a second console and type for example "eject > /dev/hdb" or "eject /dev/cdrom" No, the eject command did not work in the earlier stages of installation until I completed apt configuration with 7 CDs armed with a straightened paperclip (see above). It is however working now. On 19/3/03 9:14 pm, "Michael Shields" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, > Jeffrey Matt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >> Flat Panel - I can't remember, but I think I read about a similar hole >> somewhere (presumably near the CD tray). > > No; the flat panel iMac is the first not to have a paper clip hole. > -- > Shields. I don't really understand Apple's motives. They promote their machines as friendlier than PCs! One should have seen the concentration in my face when I was struggling for the last two or three days with a paperclip to locate the eject hole in the CD slot. Thanks to everyone for your kind help, -- Ashesh