jo Ashesh,

AD> Hi! 
AD> I am rank beginner (albeit a 70 year old pensioner), ignorant of Unix, and
AD> my first brush with Linux - as well as Unix - has been to try to install
AD> Debian in iMac from a set of 7 CDs (cynics might say I'm trying to jump in
AD> at the deep end).  In the meantime - while my effort of getting Debian into
AD> iMac is still continuing - I have managed to successfully install SuSE in
AD> the _same_ iMac (yes, being absolutely fed up to the back teeth with Debian,
AD> I actually went and bought myself SuSE Linux PowerPC 7.3) - as well as
AD> Debian itself in an oldworld powermac clone made by Apple resellers Computer
AD> Warehouse of London, England - although I am yet to complete the
AD> installation of Debian in iMac that I originally started my venture with.

AD>    The main problem of installing Debian in an iMac from CDs is that there
AD> is no way to scan the second (or a subsequent) CD during apt configuration
AD> because the first CD cannot be ejected.  SuSE installer, on the other hand,
AD> automatically ejects the CD when a media change is called for.  I succeeded
AD> in installing Debian in the oldworld powermac because it has a PC-style CD
>     1. How do I change CDs in an iMac?

is "eject" working at this point?
then you could open a second console and type for example "eject
/dev/hdb" or "eject /dev/cdrom"

mfg robert natau

ihr seid alles kranke kinder --

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