On  20 Mar, this message from Michel Dänzer echoed through cyberspace:
> On Don, 2003-03-20 at 11:42, Edward G. Speyer wrote:

>> Note how my max_charge has dropped from 3404 to 2874.  Should I be
>> alarmed or is this just the PMU giving me dodgy statistics?  (It does
>> seem odd how max_charge only drops when the battery is emptied.)
> I do think deep discharge is the worst enemy of these batteries,
> unfortunately. I usually do at least one deep discharge a day, and the
> battery in the old TiBook lost about half an hour of capacity in less
> than a year. Compare that to the good old Pismo, the battery of which
> was like new after almost two years of daily deep discharges...

Yeah, I'm seeing the same on my TiBook I. I am down to 1889 of
max_charge. Not a good sign....

I am wondering whether this sin't (at least to some extent...) the
intelligent battery's fault: I do find that sometimes the last 10-20
percent of charge are used up rather fast. My fear is that the battery
controller will declare 'end of discharge' reached when there is still
some capacity left, resetting the max_charge to a lower value.

Anybody have instructions for resetting the battery's controller (like
there used to be available for some early Powerbooks, maybe 500 sereis)?
Or failing that, instructions for replacing just the accumulator
elements instead of bying a new battery pack?



Michel Lanners                 |  " Read Philosophy.  Study Art.
23, Rue Paul Henkes            |    Ask Questions.  Make Mistakes.
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