On Wed, 19 Mar 2003, Chris Tillman wrote: > On Thu, Mar 20, 2003 at 12:05:27AM +0000, Gimli wrote: > > i know this is not the apropriate list but i wanted to ask if anyone is > > having problems with the ibook's battery. > > i would also like to ask if someone could recomend some links on the > > subject. > > Search the list archives for posts on batteries around 4 months > ago. IIRC, one conclusion was that some iBook models had defective > batteries and Apple was replacing them.
Calling all statistics fans! My pwrctl-local makes a note of some info from /proc/pmu/battery_0 whenever a power event happens, thereby providing some guaranteed-to-be-interesting[1] stats on an iBook's power consumption and battery performance: http://www-stu.cai.cam.ac.uk/~egs21/iBook-battery-log.gz Note how my max_charge has dropped from 3404 to 2874. Should I be alarmed or is this just the PMU giving me dodgy statistics? (It does seem odd how max_charge only drops when the battery is emptied.) Ed [1] Not a guarantee :)