I _THINK_ the reason it isn't available is because of the license it is
distributed under (in that it is not as open or as free as the GPL).  It
may be able to go under another section like non-free, but I don't know
enough about the licensing issues to be able to give you a definitive

That being said, I have compiled PINE for both an Intel and PPC machines
both running 3.0 and manually installed the binaries in the appropriate
places.  There are ~6 files totals, ~4 binaries and 2 config files.  The
documentation is your friend :)


On Sat, 22 Feb 2003, Ian Pushee wrote:

> This isn't specificly a ppc-debian issue, but hopefuly someone will
> have some insite... I am trying to install the PINE mail/news reader
> on my new Dibian system. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a
> package for it (thought pine-docs is available). Is there some reason
> that this widely (at least to my eyes) used email client is left out
> of the distribution? What is the cleanest way for me to install it
> w/out a debian package available (convert an RPM maybe)?

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