On Sat, Feb 22, 2003 at 11:22:10PM -0500, Ian Pushee wrote:
> This isn't specificly a ppc-debian issue, but hopefuly someone will have 
> some insite... I am trying to install the PINE mail/news reader on my 
> new Dibian system. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a package for 
> it (thought pine-docs is available). Is there some reason that this 
> widely (at least to my eyes) used email client is left out of the 
> distribution? What is the cleanest way for me to install it w/out a 
> debian package available (convert an RPM maybe)?

Pine's license prevents it from being packaged as a part of Debian.
Distributions that supply pine binaries generally have an agreement with
WU about it, but Debian does not. I don't know if there still is, but
there used to be a source package you could use to produce your own .deb
to install, the license allows unmodified sources to be distributed.

Michael Heironimus

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