Hello, I am having Debian Woody Release installed on an iMac. I have ipx installed and running and so is ncpfs. I have a .nwclient file with permission 600 written with my "SERVER/USERNAME password" information. "slist" shows me a list of all the printers that I should be able to access. However, I am not able to print. I get "close error". Following is my output :
***************** output *************************** [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ pqlist Server: MATHS Print queue name Queue ID ------------------------------------------------------------ NUMERACY_Q C5000076 MAM_TECH_Q C7000088 ADU_EXEC_DJ690C 5101001D STATLAS2 81010001 FISH_LQ450 8D010001 HPLJ4LWEBB BA010001 ADULJ4 DC010001 ADULJ3 EB010001 STATLAS 0E020001 MAILQUEUE 2A020001 MAM_PG_RESEARCH_Q 59020001 MAM_PG_ADMIN_Q 62020001 LASER_DLL 6B020001 MAM_RESEARCH_Q 72020001 MAM_ADMIN_Q 97020001 STATS_Q 32030057 STATLAS3 34030092 STATSPS1_Q 3A0300F2 STATLAS4 5503007D MAM_ADMIN_DJ540 6B03003C STATS_REC_Q EA0300C4 MAM_ADMIN_LJ2100TN 47040094 MAM_COSMO_Q A5040075 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ nprint -q MAM_RESEARCH_Q Dmesg.ps close error [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ************************ end of output ****************************** Please can someone help. Thanking you, -- Partha Pratim Ghosh ----------------------------------------------------------- Post Doctoral Fellow Topology and Category Theory Research Group Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics University of Cape Town Rondebosch 7701 Cape Town South Africa Telephone : (0)27-21-6504527 e-mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] Home Page : http://www.topos.netfirms.com ----------------------------------------------------------- "Mathematics is a game, play it..." "Algebra : Analysis :: Anatomy : Physiology" "... only algebra is dull and only topology is boring, it is their mixture that is interesting..." ------------------------------------------------------------