Fabrice, I would be surprised if it was a gcc mismatch. I run the debian sid xfree86 4.2.1 packages built with gcc 2.95.4 against benh kernels built with gcc 3.2 all the time and have never had a problem with dri loading, This is using agpgart under debian ppc. Are you sure you haven't left bits of a previous XFree86 installation behind? I had to reinstall my machine last week and in migrating from a woody installation to current debian sid, the default XF86Config-4 was sufficient for dri/agpgart to work once you rebuild a kernel with support enabled for your chipset (a Rage128 in my case). Jack ps I do have devfs support enabled in the kernel and mounted at boot time if that makes any difference.
- Re: DRI not working with ATI Radeon M7 Michel Dänzer
- Re: DRI not working with ATI Radeon M7 Fabrice Medio
- Re: DRI not working with ATI Radeon M7 Michel Dänzer
- Re: DRI not working with ATI Radeon M7 Fabrice Medio
- Re: DRI not working with ATI Radeon M7 Michel Dänzer
- Re: DRI not working with ATI Radeon M... Fabrice Medio
- Re: DRI not working with ATI Rade... Michel Dänzer
- Re: DRI not working with ATI Rade... Fabrice Medio
- Re: DRI not working with ATI Rade... Michel Dänzer
- Re: DRI not working with ATI Rade... Fabrice Medio
- Re: DRI not working with ATI Rade... Jack Howarth
- Re: DRI not working with ATI Rade... Michel Dänzer
- Re: DRI not working with ATI Rade... Fabrice Medio
- Re: DRI not working with ATI Rade... Michel Dänzer
- Re: DRI not working with ATI Rade... Fabrice Medio
- Re: DRI not working with ATI Rade... Jack Howarth
- Re: DRI not working with ATI Rade... Michel Dänzer
- Re: DRI not working with ATI Rade... Jack Howarth
- Re: DRI not working with ATI Rade... Michel Dänzer
- Re: DRI not working with ATI Rade... Fred Heitkamp
- Re: DRI not working with ATI Rade... Vincent Bernat