> On  27 Dec, this message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] echoed through cyberspace:
>> too bad there isn't a kernel driver to enable the cache on those cards
>> at boot up under debian, cuz then you wouldn't need bootx, you'd be
>> able to quik ;).
> There is, actually. You can specify an l2cr value on the kernel command
> line. Here is mine on my G3-upgraded 7600:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ cat /proc/cmdline
> root=/dev/sda4 console=ttyS0 l2cr=0xa9000000 console=tty0 video=scrollback:64k
> video=controlfb: video=matrox:
>                            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
What is the kernel you use ? a patched one or an official release ?
I just DL the last stable sources. Where can I find a command line
parameters description ?
For example, the video parameters ... One is for a matrox millenium card, I
think, but the 2 others ?
> You can also have a look at this page for more info (it's a bit outdated
> by mostly still relevant):
> http://www.cpu.lu/~mlan/linux/dev/g3upgrade.html
I had a look there, and they seems to say that the last 2.4.xxx kernels
include this patch, so it should be OK. I'll test that soon. I would like to
be able to quik :)

> Cheers
> Michel
> PS By the way, I suppose you're talking about L2 (level 2) cache, not
> L3? And I also think it's worth a benchmark removing the old L2 cache
> DIMM on the motherboard...
Right, I don't know why I typed L3 instead of L2 ...
Could you detail the last sentence "it's worth ...". Sorry for my english
(I'm a french student still learning english ...) : Does that mean it's
better for performance to remove the old cache ? And if yes, why ?

Thanx for help

   Philippe Teissier

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