> On Wed, Dec 25, 2002 at 11:12:12 +0100, Philippe TEISSIER composed:
>> Ok,
>> Now the cache is enabled. I get the same Value as the GrabG3Cache Settings
>> app in the l2cr file. So seems to be OK. I'll try to do some benchmarks
>> during next week just to try to 'see' the difference more precisely ...
>> Thanx for your help !!
>>>> Thanx
> too bad there isn't a kernel driver to enable the cache on those cards
> at boot up under debian, cuz then you wouldn't need bootx, you'd be
> able to quik ;).
> simon
Yes, but at least it's working.

>>> Try to 'cat /proc/sys/kernel/l2cr', and see if there's a setting that
>>> indicates if the cache is activated or not with the Crescendo extension
>>> loading or not.  There should be a part of the message saying whether
>>> or nor the cache is activated.  Unfortunately, I don't have access to
>>> my desktop, and won't for another couple of weeks - so I can't provide
>>> any more detailed information.  As to CPU benchmarking tests, there're
>>> so many out there, and I don't know enough to comment about the best
>>> for your situation. For my work, I use an in-house FFT routine that is
>>> coded into the software package we utilize (AFNI), and beyond that - a
>>> timed linux kernel compile.
>>> cheers
>>> vinai

   Philippe Teissier

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