On Dec 18 2002, Alessander de Souza Goulart wrote:
> I need a gun... I need put end in my life!!!!
> My fantastic PowerBook G4-667Mhz (Titanium), has die... It's play
> initial "boing", search everything in DVDROM drive and stop.
> Everyone has passed for this?

        Wow, that's not exactly good, especially since one of these
        machines costs here in Brazil the same as a third of a small

        Anyway, can you enter OpenFirmware (Cmd-Option-O-F, right
        after the initial chime)? If yes, then the problem might not
        be with the LCD (one possibility). If that doesn't help, you
        could try to reset the NVRAM (Cmd-Option-P-R). Another thing
        you could do is to try to boot from a CD (like Debian's or
        MacOS X). Yet another thing to do would be to try to boot the
        machine with Option pressed. This should give you a graphical
        bootloader which would help in recognizing if the hardware is
        working or not and if the problem is just with software.

        Since your machine is relatively recent, it might still be
        covered by the warranty, if it was purchased here and not

        Thankfully, my iBook was purchased this year and has survived
        up to now. But as I am a quite conservative guy, I don't
        expose it to any abuses.

        Hope this helps, Roger...

  Rogério Brito - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.ime.usp.br/~rbrito

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