> Try resetting the PRAM by holding Cmd-Option-P-R (I think) *before* you
> hear the startup 'bong'.  You should hear a second 'bong' if you pressed
> them in time.  If that doesn't work, try resetting your PMU by using a
> paperclip to press the small button on the back by the USB ports.
> -Brett
> On Wed, Dec 18, 2002 at 04:25:55PM -0200, Alessander de Souza Goulart wrote:
> > I need a gun... I need put end in my life!!!!

There will be other powerbooks but there won't be another you. Calm

> > My fantastic PowerBook G4-667Mhz (Titanium), has die... It's play
> > initial "boing", search everything in DVDROM drive and stop. Everyone
> > has passed for this?
> > 
> > Help me, please!!!

Possibly the battery.


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