On Sat, Nov 30, 2002 at 11:00:11PM -0700, Chris Tillman wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 30, 2002 at 08:52:58PM -0800, Ashifi wrote:
> > I just upgraded to the "unstable" branch, and although i've got Gnome 2 
> > going, I can't get sawfish, nor any other window manager going. It 
> > tells me it had an error with the authentication method, hence all my 
> > applications open windowless (pretty annoying!)
> > 
> > Should I downgrade? How can I install a window manager?
> This is not really a powerpc question...
> To see what packages are available for window managers,
> apt-cache search x-window-manager
> Gnome 2 is pretty new; probably you might find some posts in the last
> month or so. But as a general rule, you should probably not be getting
> into the unstable distribution unless you're pretty adept at handling
> problems like this and worse. So, my .02 answer to your question
> would be to downgrade.

Well, the correct place for question like this is the debian-gtk-gnome
mailing list, and there were already many discution about the the window
manager issue, but i don't remember something similar about your
situation. Just ask this question there.

BTW, having gnome2 boot without a windows manager is not nice, but
having it start with twm is a quite funny experience.


Sven Luther

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