Another aproach:

whats the command to boot from cdrom from the firmware command line.
cdrom is ide secondary master and has macos 8.1 cdrom inside.
I tried boot fd to boot linux boot disk but it got stuck
tried boot ide1/[EMAIL PROTECTED],0 ide1/[EMAIL PROTECTED]:0 ide1/[EMAIL 
PROTECTED],\ etc but I keep
getting the message can't OPEN: <device name>
although I can change to the device using dev <device name>


--- Clive Menzies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >This is kind of missing the point.
> >I have been through what you said. The problem is something was
> ruined
> >in the setting somwhere and I can't boot anything from any device.
> >When I start it up all I get is a blank white screen that doesn't
> >respond.
> >I can here it cdrom starting if I boot with c pressed but nothing
> comes
> >on screen.
> >I tried pressing command option p r to zap the firmware but nothing
> >happed.
> >I tried taking out the battery and disconecting it for over 10
> minutes.
> >Settings went back to what it thinks is the default, but still
> nothing
> >else then the white screen happens.
> >All I can do with it right now is start it using command option o f
> to
> >boot into firmware, and I can play around with the firmware, but
> still
> >nothing else happens (managed to get a black screen on boot once ;)
> ).
> >firmware version os 2.0f1 I can see that when firmware starts. I
> think
> >its supposed to also show something about rarom version or something
> of
> >the sort but I am not getting that (that is porbably what is
> broken).
> >
> >Once I can boot of the boot floppy or the macos cdrom I can handle
> the
> >rest, just can't get there now.
> I don't know if your G3 is SCSI or IDE but when encountering this 
> problem in the past I've managed to boot using an external Jaz drive 
> (SCSI). I installed MacOS8.6 on the Jaz drive from another Mac then 
> plugged the Jaz into the sick machine.
> To boot, cmd+opt+shft+delete tells the mac to skip the first device 
> on the scsi chain.
> Clive
> -- 
> Clive Menzies & Associates Limited
> strategies for business
> 75 Priory Road, London N8 8LR
> d/l: 020 8348 0996
> fax: 087 0705 2066
> -- 
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