On Thu, Nov 28, 2002 at 01:33:05PM -0800, Micha Feigin wrote:
> The machine had macos8.1 installed on it.
> I completely removed it to install linux, after which I found it can't
> boot on it without bootx,
> I moved things around and freed up a partition for mac os.
> I tried to install it but it wouldn't install without erasing the whole
> disk (is there a way around it?)

You can install on a single partition, but Drive Setup won't let you
initialize a single partition. If you already have the partition 
initialized wiht an HFS file system, it should mount on the Mac desktop
and you should be able to install a system on that partition.

> I then tried to write the disk utils floppy (or something like that) to
> floppy and reboot, to see if it would enable partitioning the disk
> without wiping it out first.
> When I rebooted I got a white screen with a _ at the top left.
> I tried command option p r but it did nothing.
> I tried commad option o f and it booted into firmware (version 2.0f1)
> I tried taking out the battery and unplugging it, same result.
> I then tried chaging boot device to ide1/[EMAIL PROTECTED]:0 to reboot from 
> cd.
> next time I just got the black screen on boot. It did make the starting
> sound from the speaker and fired up the cdrom, but nothing else.
> Any idea how to get around that?

It sounds like you don't have a MacOS CD. Even if you were to get a 
floppy system to boot, you'd need an installation CD, or some way of
accessing the installation software. Just copying the system software
from the MacOS floppy is not likely to work.

> and is there a way to install mac os 8.1 without wiping the whole disk
> in the process?

Are you unable to boot your Linux installation? quik has been known
to work on a beige G3, if installed on a scsi drive.

|            Chris Tillman        [EMAIL PROTECTED]          |
|                  To HAVE, GIVE all TO all (ACIM)               |

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