On Thu, Nov 14, 2002 at 04:30:38PM +0100, Ole-Egil Hvitmyren wrote:
> von Boehn, Gunnar wrote:
> >Hi Ole,
> >
> >
> >I heard that Eyetech will maybe bring out
> >AmigaOnes with integrated graphic.
> >Integrated GFX would make them a
> >perfect platform for building nice PPC webserver.
> >
> >Do you know if this is true?
> >
> > 
> >
> I haven't heard ANYTHING about it.
> Is AGP/PCI slots really that much worse?
> I mean, since we have an x86 emulator in the firmware you can use next 
> to any known standard PC PCI/AGP graphics card with the vga console 
> driver in Linux.

x86 emulated proprietary firmware is evil, you should not use it (but
then, often there is no other choice).

Also, i guess the point of integrated graphics is, apart from less
space used, that the whole solution gets cheaper, since you don't need
video memory and other such things, but then if you are looking for
cheap, you are looking in the wrong place anyway.


Sven Luther

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