On Tue, 12 Nov 2002, Ole-Egil Hvitmyren wrote: > Pasi Kärkkäinen wrote: > > >[Please CC to me, I'm not on the list!] > > > >Hello! > > > >Someone running Debian on AmigaOne or on Pegasos system? > > > >Any problems? Does Linux support all the chips in these motherboards? > >I'm interested in buying a ppc box and A1/Pegasos might be > >my choise.. Please post your comments! > > > > > > > Well, we're not quite ready with the new Linux kernel yet, but Ross > Vumbaca and me are both running Debian on the AmigaOne (SE, allthough > mine's overclocked to 700MHz). A few more people have been given kernels > this week, so hopefully we'll have a few hundred more Debian users > within a week or two. >
Great to hear! Is the modified kernel or patches already available for public? - Pasi Kärkkäinen ^ . . Linux / - \ Choice.of.the .Next.Generation.