The fun part of Linux is that there is always something more to learn :)

When my kernal boots, the boot messages show that I have mac-serial, an 
i2c-modem id:1, and a PowerMac Z8530 serial driver version 2.0. It shows tty00 
as a modem and tty01 as IrDa. So it seems that I do have a functioning modem 
and driver.

Searching the archives last night, it seems that wvdial doesn't work properly 
or something. It wasn't a default when I installed Woody. Has it been 
deprecated, or is it just incompatible with PowerPC hardware?

When trying to configure it with the pppconfig tool in 
Gnome/Debian/System/Admin, the pppconfig tool cannot detect it. When I manually 
set it as ttyS0 or tty00 or tty0 (there is no tty00 in /dev) it does not 
respond at all.

Since this is a laptop that I installed Woody on over the net using a T1 LAN 
connection, it starts eth0 at boot time. When I use it disconnected from the 
'net or connected to a dial-up line, it tries to start eth0 for a while then 
gives up and continues the boo sequence.

Does eth0 lock or block access to the modem when it is running? 

Have any of the gurus that are smarter than me figured out how to get the Ti 
PowerBook G4 to connect with ethernet, dial-up, or wireless at the user's 



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