On Wed, Oct 02, 2002 at 04:58:47PM -0500, vinai wrote: > I've also done this. I used the prosper package (prosper.sf.net) which > provides another document class in LaTeX. I've used it also to generate > PDF's but for my final presentation, I had to use Acrobat in full screen > mode on a PC running XP (double yuk !! :). Using EPS figures from xfig > and xmgr resulted in a really "clean" looking presentation (content not > withstanding ;-) ...
I have used advi, which is yet another latex package combined with a program (advi) to run the presentation. It's far from user friendly, but has some really cool features like supporting (by default--not quite so cool) eps figures with transparent backgrounds. It just turns white transparent, so if you really want white, you have to make it ever so slightly off-white. I'm not sure I'd recommend advi (I've only used it once--the only time I did a presentation since I got my laptop), but if you think of latex as being user friendly (I do), advi might be the program for you. -- David Roundy http://civet.berkeley.edu/droundy/